Adobe Photoshop CS3 Resources - 12

Here is your free Photoshop resources.
I have added two more sections on the
right pane of this blog labeled
'actions' and 'scripts'. Hope it might be
useful for all Photoshop geeks. Stay tuned
for more updates in future.


1. NAPP instructor Matt Kloskowski shows how to create
one of his favorite effects-the ray of light.

2. Corey Barker shows how to use the luminosity of an image
to create a cool design effect and spice up your simple photos.

3. Create really cool borders in under a minute to use on virtually
any one of your photos or even video for that matter.

4. Converting text into shapes allows you to distort the text as you
like while retaining straight, clean edges

5. Create stunning lightstreaks in Photoshop.

6. Create a glassy logobox in easy steps.

7. Learn how to create a simple-gunmetal-interface.

8. Learn how to create actions in Photoshop CS3. Video tut.

9. Create pop art photos using Adobe Photoshop CS3.
Video tut.

10. Learn how to create composit layers in Photoshop CS2.
Video tut.

11. How to work with Photoshop scripts? Cool tutorial by Jennifer Apple.

MLK unleashing the power of Photoshop scripting here.


1. Real wooden texture

2. Free photoshop brush

3. 63 must have Grunge fonts

Photo effects (Action)
Action Set (10 nos)

Found these resources useful? Please comment.


clipping path services said...

These resources are very useful. Thanks for sharing.

clipping paths

Razaak said...

18 free High Resolution Textures for Photoshop to Download
