As you may have noticed, i've added
some tutorials and resources based
on CS2 and CS3.Hope you have
started using CS3.
1. Learn all the new features of CS3.
Go ahead and get started with these free 9 video tutorials.
2. Quick Selection tool and Refine Edge in CS3.
Fantastic video tutorial by 'Photoshop News'
3. Here's a super-simple technique for enhancing the
most important bits of any portrait: the eyes.
4. How to Fix a Color Cast with Photoshop CS2.
5. Justin Maller reveals how to achieve a
variety of effectsin Photoshop by experimenting with
adjustment Layers, modes and masks.
6. In this tutorial you will learn one of the
simplest techniques for creating a rusty grunge brush in PSP8.
7. Selecting & Extracting Hair - Masking Tutorial - Extraction Tips.
8. Working with Shadows In Photoshop - Advanced Shadow Techniques.
9. Create a Photo realistic interface design in Photoshop. Interesting tutorial.
1.Check out the '101 Hidden Tips & Secrets For Photoshop'.
An an online article by Gary Logsdon.
1. Check out the new fanatstic set of patters, ready with 'Squid fingers'.
Found these resources useful? Please comment.
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