Adobe Photoshop Resources - 5

Hi Folks,
Here is your bytes.
Do not hesitate to contact me
directly, if you
desperately need any tutorials
brushes or any other online resources related
to Photoshop.


1. Learn the art of Photo blending. Create a burning flesh effect
in easy steps in Photoshop.

2. How to smooth out jagged edges in Photoshop?


1. Annika von Holdt has to offer a collection of brush sets.

2. Melissa of 44 suburbia has to offer another set of good brushes. +++

3. Mistral of Kloud-nine has to offer beautiful brushes
for adobe photoshop 7.0 and paint shop pro 8 users.+++++

4. Mellisa has to offer brush sets that is really simple.+++

5. Beautiful brush sets that is unnoticed so far.
Go, download these brush sets, that is really worth.+++++

6. Echolalie at nenuphar has got a collection,
that is unique of it's kind.+++++


1. Travis of squidfingers has got fantastic collections
of patterns
that is really attractive !


1. An Online Generator of color schemes and palettes to create
good-looking and well balanced and harmonic web pages. Fantastic!

2. ColorBlender – Here is your free online tool for color matching
and palette design

3.Tired of preparing dummy copies? here is the online generator
for randomized typographic filler text

Found these resources useful? Please comment.

1 comment:

B Lem said...

Very nice resource blog. Check out my similar themed blog. thx.
